The Redemption Saga

The Redemption Saga is a mythic story based out of a project I have been building for more than two decades called Raya Fenya (The Redemption of Raya). It began in middle school when I first read Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and the Silmarillion. I had the desire to create my own languages and myths and world as he had done. The first stumbling versions of these things were childish imitation, but gradually over the years a complex mythology and history began to take shape. While many of the earliest writings have now been replaced and enlarged, original themes from those first writings still remain as threads of the whole.

Originally, The Redemption Saga was intended to begin with a novel I wrote in 2007-9, Looming Thunderheads, and would have been a trilogy, continuing with Baleful Downpour and ending with Diluvial Plain. However, in 2013, lingering dissatisfaction with the unfolding of the story and with the presentation within it of my invented mythology and history, led me to reimagine the series.

Now I am working on restructuring the series, which will likely be something other than a trilogy. Unfortunately, I am not yet sure what final form it will take.

I have a few pieces related to the mythology and history assembled on the Raya page.